Spartacus/Look of Love - Niki King


【爵士女伶】Spartacus/Look of Love - Niki King

Niki King(妮琪·金)是近年来爵士乐坛最闪耀的一颗明星。传承自父亲佛瑞迪·金的爵士灵魂,赋予她天生一副慑服众生的美妙嗓音。她的歌声中透露莫名的韵味与沧凉,乘着吉他弦音寂寞地荡漾。

《蓝调情人夜》是爵士品牌Caber Music发行的作品,堪为女声示范级发烧天碟。人声录音圆润立体,佐以吉他拨弦伴奏,两者宛如一种绝美的亲密关系,坦诚地表现出歌词意境。

《Spartacus/Look of Love》

Can it be, do you hear?
A new freedom song is ringin'
No more doubt no more fear
There's a new day that is bringin'

Something simple is the key
Only love will set us free
It's so far, it's so near
Almost close, almost here

The look of love
Is in your eyes
The look your smile can't disguise
The look of love
Is saying so much more
Than words could ever say
And what my heart has heard
Well it takes my breath away

I can hardly wait to hold you
Feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just lovin'
Now that I have found you

Don't never go
I love you so
I love you so

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